There is not a particle of life which does not bear poetry within it.      –Gustave Flaubert

It’s been said that “garlic is life” and I couldn’t agree more. Eating garlic is not just a gastronomic experience, it has significant scientifically researched health benefits. Garlic helps regulate blood sugar, is a powerful antimicrobial, has anti-fungal and anti-viral properties, reduces yeast infections, has anti-oxidant properties, is a rich source of selenium, vitamin B6, vitamin C, iron and manganese – to name just a few of the impressive health benefits of eating garlic.

clipart garlicOur garlic is “super natural” – we aren’t certified organic but we grow according to (and often beyond) organic principles. No chemical fertilizers or pesticides of any kind are used. The soil has been chemical-free for at least two decades (probably a good deal longer). The soil is prepared for growing garlic by enrichment via green-manure, nitrogen-fixing crops. No garlic bed is used to grow garlic for more than one season running. After garlic is harvested, the beds are planted with nitrogen-fixing crops and then allowed to lie fallow for a minimum of one season. This practice not only builds the soil and thus the health and quality of the garlic, but it also safeguards crops from becoming diseased.

All garlic has been cured, cleaned and is available for consumption, storage or seed for your own garden.

$10 per pound. Please contact us to check on quantity and variety availability.

The 2018 garlic harvest is now curing and will be available at the end of August. We have 20 varieties of great garlic this season ~ sown and grown with love. 

1. Paradise Red (hardneck variety) ~ Grown for generations in the Paradise Valley, so named for its exquisite taste. A little spicy, a little sweet, complex and rich.

2. Music (hardneck porcelain variety) ~ Gorgeous snowy white medium to large cloves. A sweet and substantial garlic when baked. Hot when raw. Either way, music to your mouth.

3. Montana 100 Year (hardneck porcelain variety) ~ One of the best tasting full-flavored, slightly spicy (but not overpowering) garlics. Can be cooked, baked or eaten raw.

4. Montana Zemo (hardneck porclean variety) ~ A vigorous plant producing large, dense bulbs. Sharp bite when raw, mellows when cooked. Rich, robust flavor.

5. German Extra Hardy (hardneck porcelain variety) ~ Strong raw flavor but not too hot. High in sugar so it caramelizes beautifully. One of the best garlics for roasting.

6. Inchelium Red (softneck artichoke variety) ~ The cloves have a mild and savory aroma and their flavor is neither mellow nor too pungent but provides a rich and robust taste with a medium level of spiciness, even when eaten raw. Cooking the garlic simply brings out more of the garlic’s depth.

7. Red Toch (softneck artichoke variety) ~ The cloves are beautifully streaked with red and pink. Popular for its complex flavor, early harvest and good-sized bulbs.

8. Chesnok Red (hardneck purple stripe variety) ~ Republic of Georgia variety that has a medium-hot temperature that preserves its flavor when cooked. Won “Best Baking Garlic” when tested by Sunset Magazine.

9. Korean Red (hardneck rocambole variety) ~ An Asiatic variety widely favored for making Kim Chee and for use in stir fries. Delivers big flavor.

10. Russian Red (hardneck rocambole variety) ~ Big up-front flavor when raw with some sweetness and a subtle, pleasant bitterness. Heat is long lasting. “The perfect garlic flavor” according to garlic expert Chet Aaron.

11. Killarney Red (hardneck rocambole variety) ~ Better adapted to wet conditions than most others. Rich, hot and strong. A flavor that sticks around!

12. Spanish Roja (hardneck rocambole variety) ~ Heirloom variety brought to the Pacific Northwest before the 1900s. Sweet, rich flavor that gets more complex when cooked.

13. Blanco Piancenza (softneck artichoke variety) ~ Named for a town in northern Italy.
Very adaptable, grows well in a variety of climates. An excellent choice for braiding. Medium, well-rounded flavor and heat.

14. Metechi (hardneck marbled purple stripe variety) ~ Does well in cold and warm climates. Long storing, easy to peel cloves. Firey hot when raw, beautiful roasted garlic.

15. Island Star (softneck artichoke variety) ~ Enjoys water, easy to grow in cooler climates. Robust flavor with a hint of sweetness.

16. Island Rocambole (hardneck rocambole variety) ~ Does well in both harsh and mild winters. Vigorous, can produce impressive-size blulbs. Classic rocambole flavor with moderate heat.

17. Armenian (hardneck porclean variety) ~ Rich, musky flavor that has an authoritative bite but is not overwhelmingly hot. Nicely-sized creamy white cloves.

18. Nootka Rose (softneck silverskin variety) ~ Northwest heirloom garlic from the San Juan Islands off the Washington coast. Beautifully colored cloves streaked red on mahogany. Rich, warm flavor.

19. Rose du Lautrec (hardneck creole variety) ~ Famous “pink garlic” from Lautrec, France with old world charm. Doesn’t get very large for northern growers but stores exceptionally well and has an excellent flavor. Deep muskiness with an influence of dijon mustard.

20. Burgandy (hardneck creole variety) ~ As beautiful as the name implies, a striking sunset rose. Richly flavorful with mellow pungency.


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